SEALSKINZ Filby Heated Gauntlet Review 2024

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When you’re up against the fierce elements, it’s critical that your gear can stand up to the challenge.

That’s where the SEALSKINZ Filby gloves come in as a solid contender. Designed to endure the worst the weather can throw at you, these gloves maintain warmth and dryness even in the most unforgiving conditions.

Read my Venustas heated gloves review to decide if it’s right for you.

Equipped with a built-in heating element powered by a rechargeable battery, you’ll find your hands embraced by a dependable warmth.

Navigate through three heat settings with an easily accessible control switch, ensuring that outdoor activities like hiking, sailing, or even strenuous work in the cold are conducted with toasty fingers.


Beyond their heating capabilities, these mitts showcase innovative materials, with a three-layer bonded construction that promises both warmth and durability. The gloves are tactically designed to avoid the annoyance of liner pull-out, ensuring everything stays in place as you move. The goatskin leather palm and pre-curved fingers not only offer a natural feel but bolster the gloves with fine grip and control – essential for handling tasks in shivering temperatures.

Bottom Line

For those who brave the cold and seek reliable, heated protection, the SEALSKINZ Filby gauntlet is a worthy investment. It’s not just about staying warm; these gloves deliver waterproof assurance and lasting comfort to keep your hands functional in the cold.

Enjoy the freedom of adjustable warmth, and paramount protection with these gloves.

Overview of SEALSKINZ Filby Waterproof Heated Gauntlet

When your hands encounter cold and wet conditions, comfort and warmth are paramount. The SEALSKINZ heated gauntlets provide exactly that. Built for harsh weather, these gloves keep your hands dry and toasty, reducing risks like blisters or frostbite. Whether you’re hiking snowy trails, working outdoors in the cold, or facing the brisk sea wind, these gloves are suitable for a broad spectrum of activities.

The built-in heating element is a game changer, with three adjustable power modes to maintain the warmth your hands need, and a 5-6 hour battery life that is reliable. Crafted with a three-layer construction, they offer durability alongside waterproof capabilities, addressing common issues such as liner movement and bunching.

A goatskin leather palm and pre-curved fingers enhance the glove’s grip and durability, ensuring a natural and comfortable feel. You have the control to adjust the warmth as needed, thanks to an easy-to-access switch with LED indicators. The SEALSKINZ heated gauntlet is a well-engineered ally against the elements, keeping your focus on the task or adventure at hand, rather than on the cold.

Waterproof and Weather Protection

When it comes to keeping your hands dry and cozy, the SEALSKINZ Filby gloves stand out with their warm and waterproof features. I recently had the chance to put these gloves to the test during a downpour, and I must say, they did not disappoint. Your hands stay completely dry thanks to the gloves’ excellent weather protection—even in the worst conditions.

Their construction is well-suited for cold weather activities, whether you’re out for a motorcycle ride or engaging in winter sports. The materials used ensure warmth, with the added benefit of a goatskin leather palm which not only boosts durability but also provides superior grip and control. Pre-curved fingers conform naturally to your hands, a feature you’ll appreciate for maintaining dexterity in the cold.

While these gloves keep you warm and dry, it’s important to note that they may not be the lightest option you’ll find. But if what you’re looking for is a glove that can withstand the challenging elements, these medium-sized, all-black SEALSKINZ gloves could certainly be a worthy addition to your gear.

Heating Element Efficiency

After spending some time with the SEALSKINZ Gauntlet, what stands out is its ability to provide consistent warmth. Amidst cold temperatures, your hands are cocooned in a gentle heat that doesn’t waver. The gauntlet’s heating element is notably efficient, utilizing power to maintain temperature without unnecessary loss. This performance means you won’t find your fingers succumbing to the chill abruptly.

However, on the flipside, should you anticipate quick heating as soon as you switch them on, patience is required. The gloves do not heat up instantly and take a few minutes to reach the desired warmth. While this isn’t a deal-breaker, in scenarios where immediate heat is coveted, this may be a slight inconvenience.

Ultimately, in terms of efficiency, the SEALSKINZ heated gloves strike a fine balance. They ensure your comfort through steady heat management, proving to be a reliable companion for those long, wintry days outdoors.

Material Quality and Durability

Recently, I got my hands on the SEALSKINZ Filby Gloves, and the quality is apparent from the moment you pick them up. The materials feel robust and well-constructed, with the manufacturer’s choice of goatskin leather palms adding a touch of luxury and long-lasting sturdiness. The pre-curved fingers suggest attention to detail, ensuring that you maintain excellent control and comfort even during extended use.

Even in the harshest conditions, these gloves hold up. They’re designed to be waterproof—a claim that my experience in rainy weather can attest to. The innovative construction keeps moisture out while preserving warmth, making them ideal for cold weather activities like riding or outdoor work in winter. While they’re heated and perfect for keeping you warm, the overall structure of the glove doesn’t feel compromised by the additional tech—it’s seamlessly integrated.

One thing is certain: the SEALSKINZ Filby Gloves don’t just promise durability; they deliver it. Whether you’re braving a storm or simply in need of reliable warmth on a cold day, these gloves consistently perform well, a testament to the thoughtful design and quality materials used in their creation.

Design and Comfort

When slipping your hands into the SEALSKINZ Filby gloves, you’ll notice the pre-curved fingers. This ergonomic design mimics the hand’s natural resting state, meaning less strain during long periods of use, and maintains your dexterity. The goatskin leather palm not only contributes to longevity but also offers you a secure grip, even in wet conditions.

Comfort goes hand-in-hand with temperature control. The built-in heating element, powered by a rechargeable battery, ensures your hands stay toasty. The three power modes provide flexibility to adjust the warmth to your liking, and with a runtime of 5-6 hours, you can stay out longer without worry.

The gloves’ three-layer bonded construction not only gives you warm and waterproof protection against the worst weather but also prevents the inner lining from bunching up—an inconvenience with many other gloves that can lead to discomfort and limited mobility. Whether you’re out for a chilly ride or engaging in winter sports, these gloves are built to offer both the warmth and waterproof features you need without compromising on tactile feedback or comfort.

Pros and Cons


When you slip on the SEALSKINZ Filby gloves, you’ll immediately notice the warmth and waterproof protection they offer, even amid the worst weather conditions. As you engage in a range of cold weather activities, you may appreciate how these gloves are designed not just for warmth, but also for versatility. Experiencing the innovative materials and construction firsthand, the quality is palpable; you can feel the craftsmanship as you move your fingers.

The additional features are thoughtfully included to ensure your hands aren’t just warm but also functional. You’ll find the goatskin leather palm enhances durability, while the pre-curved fingers promote a natural grip, making it easier to hold onto bike handles, ski poles, or any other gear you need on your adventures.


However, there are some considerations to keep in mind with these gloves. While the materials are top-notch, they might feel bulkier compared to less insulated options, which could affect the dexterity for finer tasks. Given their build, they excel in serious cold weather scenarios but may be overkill for milder conditions, potentially leading to overheated hands.

Remember, these gloves are at a higher price point, which reflects their premium construction and materials. If you’re not frequently bracing against extreme weather, these gloves might not present the best value for your specific needs.

Customer Reviews

Despite being an excellent choice for keeping your hands warm and dry, the SEALSKINZ gloves bring a mix of experiences from users. While some praise the gloves’ waterproof capabilities especially when facing the elements, others find themselves hoping for a bit more flexibility during use. The gauntlet design is frequently mentioned as a standout feature, offering extended coverage and protection from the weather.

You’ll also notice reviewers mentioning the heating element. It’s a hit for those in particularly cold climates, but it requires proper power management to ensure consistent performance throughout your activities. It’s worth noting that, while the gloves score points for durability, a few users feel they lack in dexterity, which can be crucial for certain outdoor activities.

Remember to consider what’s most important for your needs. If warmth and waterproofing take priority, these gloves could be a solid pick. But if you require full hand mobility and fine motor skills, you might want to weigh your options.

Final Verdict Sealskinz Filby Heated Gauntlet Review

Let’s face it, you pay for what you get. You’ve got many options, but if you’re really interested in performance I highly recommend you consider this one.

Best Waterproof Heated Glove
SEALSKINZ Filby Waterproof Heated Gauntlet

What we liked:

  • Warm and Waterproof Protection in the Worst Weather
  • Ideal for a Wide Range of Cold Weather Activities
  • Stay Warm and Protected on Any Ride
  • Innovative Materials and Construction
  • Goatskin leather palm and pre-curved fingers for a natural feel and excellent durability and control.


After extensive testing, it’s evident that the SEALSKINZ Filby gloves offer a blend of durability and functionality. These waterproof gauntlets keep your hands dry during wet outings. While they don’t inundate you with features, the heated element provides a cozy embrace in the chill, a boon for winter adventurers. Some might find the aesthetic standard, but the utility shines through, especially in colder climates.

They are not without their drawbacks, though. The gloves are on the pricier side, which might give budget-conscious shoppers pause. Additionally, the heating feature, while effective, could use a longer-lasting battery for extended trips.

Ultimately, if you’re seeking a reliable pair of gloves that stand up to elements and offer added warmth, these might be for you. Just weigh the cost against the prospect of warm, dry hands on your next cold-weather expedition.

My Skiing Gear Review Process

At Crave the Planet, I’m all about honest and relatable reviews of outdoor products. As a physical therapist, downhill skier, hut to hut hiker, and mom, I’m constantly trying new gear to make my outdoor experiences more comfy and fun but with science in mind.

I’ll be real with you, I’m not an expert in every outdoor activity. But, who is? I’m just a regular person who loves exploring the planet. Perfectionism is my enemy and I hope to help you ditch that vibe too.

My review process involves testing each product in real-life outdoor situations, but if it’s a really horrible day I’ll probably find a hotel in the valley. I’ll let you know what worked for me and what didn’t, so you can make informed decisions about your gear choices.

I don’t do sponsored reviews or take payment for my reviews. All comments are based on my personal experience. Sometimes I’ll test something and then send it back for a refund. Usually there’s a hefty fee. Bummer. So, if you’re looking for a relatable and honest take on outdoor gear, you’re in the right place.

I hope this no-nonsense guide to the SEALSKINZ Filby Heated Gauntlet review helps you make the decision that is right for you.

Author profile: Morgan Fielder is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and passionate hiker who believes in exploring the world on foot with good food. Follow her journey as she shares science-based hiking tips and advocates for sustainable tourism.