How to Clean A Weighted Vest without ruining it [How to guide] 2023

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Let’s face it, weighted vests are going to pick up some aroma and that’s why I’m here to help you learn how to clean a weighted vest.

I started my vest training to get ready for the Tour du Mont Blanc hike in Europe and I quickly learned airing it out wasn’t enough.

Can you clean A weighted vest?

washing a weighted vest tips

Yes!!! The aim of this article is to show you the safest and easiest ways to do it without ruining or damaging the vest.

TL;DR : How to Clean a Weighted Vest

You can wash a weighted vest easily. Start with spot cleaning it with a wet cloth. If that doesn’t work you can soak it in cold water in the bathtub and scrub it with a toothbrush.  For really stubborn stains, you can finally try to add some mild detergent to the water.  For mold utilize a vinegar solution and exposure to natural sunlight. Hang dry. 

Read until the end where you’ll learn the safest cleaning detergent solution for terrible stains and dirt that help keep the breathability and outer layer.

Key Takeaways

  • Regularly cleaning your weighted vest is important for maintaining its quality and hygiene.
  • A dirty weighted vest can become less effective and may cause skin irritation.
  • Cleaning your weighted vest is a simple process that can be done with a washing machine or damp cloth, but it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take care not to damage any components.

How to Clean A Weighted Vest

When it comes to cleaning your weighted vest, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

Whether you’re using it for workouts, outdoor activities, or sports, it’s important to keep your vest clean to maintain its effectiveness and longevity. In this section, we’ll discuss the different methods you can use to clean your weighted vest.

Method 1: Hand Washing

Hand washing is the most common and recommended method for cleaning your weighted vest.

To do this, follow these simple steps:

  1. Remove the removable weights from your vest.
  2. Fill a bathtub or sink with lukewarm water and add a mild soap or detergent.
  3. Gently scrub the fabric of your vest with a toothbrush or soft brush to remove any stains or dirt.
  4. Rinse the vest thoroughly with water to remove any soap residue.
  5. Hang your vest up to air dry in a well-ventilated area.

Method 2: Machine Washing

If you prefer to use a washing machine, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific vest. In general, use a gentle cycle with cold water and a mild detergent.

Use a mesh laundry bag to protect your vest and prevent any damage to the adjustable straps, shoulder straps, or zipper. After washing, hang your vest up to air dry in a well-ventilated area.

Method 3: Spot Cleaning

If you only have a few stains or spots on your vest, you can use a damp cloth or soft brush to spot clean the area. For tougher stains or odors, you can use a solution of water and mild detergent to clean the area. Make sure to rinse the area thoroughly with water and air dry your vest afterwards.

Drying Your Weighted Vest

After cleaning, it’s important to make sure your vest is completely dry before storing it. Avoid using a dryer or direct sunlight to dry your vest, as this can damage the fabric and adjustable straps.

Instead, hang your vest up in a well-ventilated area and let it air dry completely.

Never put it in the dryer.

Why Clean Your Weighted Vest

Cleaning your weighted vest is essential to ensure that it remains in good condition and lasts longer. When you work out, your body produces sweat, which can accumulate in your vest and cause it to smell bad. Over time, bacteria can grow in the sweat, leading to unpleasant odors and stains. A grimy vest can also be unhygienic and lead to skin irritation.

Cleaning your weighted vest regularly will help to remove sweat, bacteria, and stains, leaving it fresh and clean. It will also help to prevent the buildup of bacteria, which can cause skin irritation and other health problems. Additionally, cleaning your vest will help to maintain its appearance and keep it looking new.

There are several reasons why you should clean your weighted vest:

  • Remove sweat: Sweat can accumulate in your vest and cause it to smell bad. Cleaning your vest will help to remove sweat and prevent unpleasant odors.
  • Eliminate bacteria: Bacteria can grow in the sweat, leading to unpleasant odors and stains. Cleaning your vest will help to eliminate bacteria and prevent skin irritation.
  • Maintain appearance: A clean vest looks better than a grimy one. Cleaning your vest will help to maintain its appearance and keep it looking new.
  • Hygiene: A grimy vest can be unhygienic and lead to skin irritation. Cleaning your vest regularly will help to prevent this.

Cleaning your weighted vest is an important part of maintaining its condition and ensuring that it lasts longer. It is a simple process that can be done at home with a few basic supplies.

Storage and Maintenance

To make sure your weighted vest lasts for years, it’s important to store it properly and perform regular maintenance. Store your vest in a dry place away from direct sunlight and excess moisture.

Make sure to adjust the straps and plates as needed to maintain a comfortable fit. Check the stitching and fabric regularly for any signs of wear or damage. If you notice any issues, contact the manufacturer for repair or replacement.

That’s it! With these tips, you can keep your weighted vest clean and fresh for all your workouts and activities.

Best Soap

NikWax Tech Wash is trusted by trainers and people interested in keeping their vests and weight vest gear for decades.  It refreshes the material’s water resistance capacity and breathability to keep you dry and comfortable. 

Youtube Clean Weight Vest

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I wash my weighted vest?

You should wash your weighted vest after every use. This is especially important if you sweat heavily during your workout. Washing your vest after every use will help prevent the buildup of bacteria and odors.

Can I machine wash my weighted vest?

No, you should not machine wash your weighted vest. The metal weights inside the vest can damage your washing machine. Instead, wash your vest by hand.

What kind of detergent should I use to clean my weighted vest?

You should use a mild detergent to clean your weighted vest. Avoid using harsh detergents or bleach, as these can damage the fabric of your vest. If your vest is particularly dirty, you can use a gentle scrub brush to remove any stubborn stains.

Is it safe to air dry my weighted vest?

Yes, it is safe to air dry your weighted vest. Simply hang your vest up to dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid drying your vest in direct sunlight or using a dryer, as this can damage the fabric of your vest.

Can I use a dryer to dry my weighted vest?

No, you should not use a dryer to dry your weighted vest. The heat from the dryer can damage the fabric of your vest and cause the metal weights inside to become misshapen. Instead, hang your vest up to dry in a well-ventilated area.

Are there any special care instructions for leather weighted vests?

Yes, if you have a leather weighted vest, you should take extra care when cleaning it. Use a leather cleaner and conditioner to keep the leather supple and prevent it from cracking. Avoid getting water on the leather, as this can cause it to stain or discolor.

Author profile: Morgan Fielder is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and passionate hiker who believes in exploring the world on foot with good food. Follow her journey as she shares science-based hiking tips and advocates for sustainable tourism.