The Secret Ingredient to a Perfect Hike: The Ultimate Hiking Playlist

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Use this hiking playlist to feel some 90’s style hiking vibes to forge your outdoor movement freedom.

Are you looking for the best hiking playlist? I’ve got you covered.

I’ve tested everything from German rap to Dolly Parton.

But…I’m biased. For sure.

This is a 90’s style love affair of a playlist.

hiking playlist

Best Hiking Playlist

Are you tired of the same old birds chirping and wind rustling on your hikes? Do you want to spice up your hiking experience and turn up the volume on your adventure? Well, we’ve got the solution for you: music!

Picture this – you’re hiking through a breathtaking trail, and suddenly your favorite song comes on, transforming your trek into a scene from a movie montage.

Now, you’re striding up that hill like Rocky Balboa, and that once-daunting incline becomes a walk in the park.

With the right hiking playlist, you can turn any hike into an epic adventure. So let’s put those headphones on, crank up the tunes, and hit the trail together!



List of Songs on The Ulimate Hiking Playlist

Mountains and Sea, Please

  1. Reflection: Tool
  2. Planet Caravan: Black Sabbath
  3. Present Tense: Radiohead
  4. Ganesha: Neel Djorja
  5. Space Between DMB
  6. Bad Guy: Billie Eilish
  7. Move On: Mike Poesner
  8. Dog Days are Over: Florence + Machine
  9. Neighborhood 1: Arcade Fire
  10. Changing of Seasons: 2 door Cinema Club
  11. Skinny Love: Bon Iver
  12. She’s Only Happy in Sun: Ben Harper
  13. Present Tense: Pearl Jam
  14. Float: Sol Rising
  15. 3 gymnopedies: Erik Satie
  16. New endings : Bon Vie Can double this song for longer
  17. Walking on a Dream: Empire of the Sun

Benefits of Music Backed By Science

Have you ever found yourself getting lost in a song while taking a walk or hiking? Research has shown that listening to music while in nature can have a positive impact on your mental and emotional wellbeing.

By combining the beauty of nature with the power of music, you can create a truly immersive experience that engages all of your senses.

Music can help reduce stress and anxiety, increase energy levels, and even boost creativity.

And when you’re surrounded by the natural beauty of your hiking destination, you can experience a deep sense of calm and connection to the environment around you.

So why not take advantage of these benefits and create a hiking playlist that can transport you to new heights on your next adventure?

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Song Inspiration

If you’re struggling to come up with the perfect hiking playlist, why not take inspiration from the experts? The Netflix series “Song Exploder” is a fantastic resource for music lovers of all genres.

The show breaks down popular songs and explores the creative process behind them, giving viewers a unique insight into the art of music-making.

By listening to the stories and techniques of these talented musicians, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the songs you love and perhaps even discover new artists to add to your hiking playlist.

Whether you’re a fan of indie, pop, rock, or any other genre, “Song Exploder” is sure to offer some inspiration for your next musical adventure on the trails.

Hiking with Music Etiquette

Ah, hiking and music, a match made in Nature! But before you blast your beats on the trails, let’s chat about the rules of the game.

First things first, let’s talk about keeping it down. You may love your music, but not everyone wants to hear it blasting through the countryside.

Don’t be that person who turns their hike into a rave – invest in a good pair of headphones and KEEP the VOLUME down. Trust us, your fellow hikers will appreciate it.

And we get it, you may be tempted to belt out your favorite tunes like a rockstar, but hold up! Remember, this is Nature’s karaoke, not yours. Save your vocal skills for the shower or a karaoke bar, and let the sounds of the wilderness take center stage.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – phone battery. It’s tempting to have your phone on full blast to energize your hike, but be warned, a dead battery will put a damper on your adventure REAL quick. Make sure to bring a portable charger or use your phone SPARINGLY. And don’t forget, sometimes the best way to recharge is to unplug and take in the peaceful surroundings.

So, there you have it, the unofficial rules of hiking with music. Follow these guidelines, and you’ll be rocking and rolling on the trails in no time.

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A good hiking playlist can take your outdoor adventure to the next level. It can help you stay motivated, focused, and energized, and provide a soundtrack to some of the most awe-inspiring moments of your journey.

From calming ballads to upbeat tracks, your hiking playlist can be tailored to your individual taste and the environment you’re exploring. Even bring your hiking Barbie doll to rock out.

So next time you head out on a hike, don’t forget to pack your headphones and your favorite playlist. You never know how music can transform a good hike into a great one. Happy hiking and happy listening!

Author profile: Morgan Fielder is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and passionate hiker who believes in exploring the world on foot with good food. Follow her journey as she shares science-based hiking tips and advocates for sustainable tourism.

I hope you enjoyed this hiking playlist article! xoxo

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